Every morning at the breakfast table, I hear the same question from all of our girls...."Can I have the
PINK bowl?" We have these cereal bowls that I bought at Wal-mart, that have built in straws for sipping the milk when they are done with their cereal. We have 6 bowls, but only 1
PINK bowl. And all of our girls LOVE
PINK!! They have learned to take turns, but they are always extra excited when it is their turn for the coveted
PINK bowl, and very disappointed when it is not! Who knew a $1 cereal bowl could cause such excitement every morning!
Yeah! You did start a blog. It looks so cute. Now every picture you take will be a different motive, this will be good for the blog. I take alot more pictures now with the thought of a blogging story.
I totally know what you mean by the pink cereal bowl. Every time the cousins get together the girls always fight over our princess cup. I'm like it is just a cup!
That would sooo be how our girls are over a pink bowl. Molly got mad today b/c she got the tractor plate instead of the Dora one. Oh well....I will be keeping up with you now. :) Have a good one!
How fun, you are blogging!!! Your blog looks so cute!
That is so funny about the bowls. We have the same ones, only 2 teal and one yellow. Wil always has to have the yellow and Wes the blue- heaven forbid if I switch it around!
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